Hidden  2023 / Personal

/Portable dish warming device

Hidden is a portable device to keep the meal warm and ready for people. Device helps 

to get rid of a hassle to reheat food when it gets cold, keeping the moment of joy and flow uninterrupted. 



Eating a meal is perhaps one of the shortest gratifying moment each day, and 

enjoying this moment continuously is very sophisticated due to interruption from

our surroundings. However, most important aspect of enjoying the meal is keeping

the condition consistent through the end; keeping static temperature. 



Hassle-free & ready anywhere

Creating a way to reduce hassle of reheating and preparing the meal to be warm and ready anywhere.

/Design concept

Simple geometry + Detail texture


Gradient from opaque to transparent glass to expose warmer hidden

below the dish and highlight power control with brushstroke texture


Power indicator glows through gradient glass bowl and maintain 

hidden throughout as bowl has cutout to reach intensity control

/CMF choice

black and white base color using speckled texture plastic to emphasize durability

/Product family

Wide plate, regular bowl, and deep bowl are available in same color to consist family look appearance and further assist specific needs

/Product in use


Process coming soon